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Flashbacks, Nightmares and Triggers. How to Get Them Under Control. PTSD...

When I was little my father experimented on me every sexual fetish and deviance he could imagine. Though he was polygamous and could make any grown woman swoon at his feet, he was too coward to show them his true self, and instead lived out his sick desires with a child. In this video I share a recent trigger of a memory of one such deviance, what my reaction was, and what I did to respond and remedy my reaction. Before I continue, I'd like to send my condolences to all those who have lost someone to #COVID19, and my prayers and wishes of strength to those who are #SocialDistancing and quarantined with an abuser. If you need help go to for resources. It is said that sexual abuse survivors experience PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) more severe than a man on the front lines of a battlefield in war. I have learned to manage PTSD with tried and true coping mechanisms to maintain my #MentalHealth, navigate everyday challenges and...

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